
Alumni of the Animal Husbandry Study Programme have worked in various fields in the livestock industry in Indonesia. Here are some testimonials from graduates of the programme.

Nisa Afifah Nurfadilah

Private Employee

‘Hello, I am Nisa Afifah Nurfadilah class of 2019. Studying at the University of Jember in the Animal Husbandry Study Programme has been very memorable for me. The first time I went to class and met friends from different ethnicities and cultures. Meeting lecturers who are very inspiring and feel like friends who need to be respected. Starting from the direction and also the extraordinary development that lecturers give to their students. I feel very lucky to have met my friends and lecturers. And for my classmates, I wish you all success. Don't hesitate to share your news and stories 🫶🏻. Hopefully, all livestock students can support each other and respect the lecturers who have guided us all✨’

Faizal Rivaldy Wijanarko

Supervisor of Farm PT. Mitra Berlian Unggas

‘Being a student of the Animal Husbandry Study Programme makes me a lucky young generation who can enrich my perspective in the world of livestock.  Serving with great colleagues, qualified supporting facilities, and accompanied by competent teaching staff made it easier for me to observe, develop, and implement animal science. Until now, the UNEJ Animal Husbandry family has been the best family in training readiness to enter the world of work. Thank you UNEJ Animal Husbandry🤲💪’

Muhammad Alif Nur Kahfi

Founder of Al Alif Jaya Farm and Alif Jaya PS

‘Animal husbandry is the most important part of life, because it is a milestone in the progress of a civilisation, meeting human needs for consumption of eggs, meat, milk and wool. Being part of animal husbandry is a gift and blessing, we support food security which is an important point in human life. Through the Animal Husbandry Study Programme, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Jember, I am one of the alumni who have contributed to me for a brighter future. Getting to know each other, continuing to learn from theory and experience, and meeting friends and business colleagues who continue to bring great changes to my life’

Pramiasih Yuniarti

Private Employee

‘My impression while studying at the University of Jember, especially in the Animal Husbandry Study Programme, I gained a lot of new knowledge and experiences, met friends who were solid, compact, and were guided by lecturers who were very extraordinary, professional in teaching and always supported students in developing their interests and achievements. The facilities and infrastructure in the animal husbandry study programme are also very complete and support lectures so that students can study comfortably and of course later can produce reliable animal husbandry graduates in the future.’

Angga Jawi Anarkhi 

Supervisor for PT. Charoen Pokphand Indonesia

‘One thing that I gained after becoming a student at the university of Jember is ‘Change’.  During my time in university, I experienced many changes in terms of mindset, pessimism that turned into ambitiousness, mentality that I gained both from academic and non-academic. And the way I look at the wider world and the impossibility that turns out to be very possible when willing to work hard.  This is inseparable from the role of competent teaching staff who provide education and motivation to continue to grow up and also never give up in achieving something. 

Impossibility is possible when we are willing to try and pray’ 

Ahmad Doni Saputra

Sales Development Consultant of PT Cimory Tbk

‘Being part of the big family of the Animal Husbandry Study Programme at the University of Jember (UNEJ), and currently being an alumni of the 2018 batch is part of a life journey that has shaped me into a competitive, active, and resilient person. The provision of experience with lecturers and fellow students as an active student makes me easy going to adapt and optimistic about the future, with the characteristics of my learning by doing process to become a reliable person.’



Using Information from Images for Plantation Monitoring: A Review of Solutions for Smallholders

Authors: Bayu Taruna Widjaja Putra, Peeyush Soni, Bambang Marhaenanto, Pujiyanto, Soni Sisbudi Harsono, and Spyros Fountas

Journal: Information Processing in Agriculture

Publisher: ELSEVIER; Cite Score: 6.2; /Q1


ISSUE: 2019

Dataset of Chlorophyll Content Estimation of Coffea Canephora using Red and Near-Infrared Consumer-Grade Camera 

Authors: Bayu Taruna Widjaja Putra, Peeyush Soni

Journal: Data in Brief

Publisher: ELSEVIER; Cite Score / SJR: 0.7 / 0.341 /Q1


ISSUE: 2018

Estimating Biophysical Properties of Coffee (Coffea canephora) Plants with Above-Canopy Field Measurements, using CropSpec

Authors: Bayu Taruna Widjaja Putra, Peeyush Soni, Eiji Morimoto, and Pujiyanto

Journal: International Agrophysics



ISSUE: 2018