History of Animal Husbandry Study Programme
The Animal Husbandry Study Programme was officially opened based on the Decree of the Minister of Research, Technology and Higher Education Number 135/KPT/I/2018 concerning Permission to Open an Undergraduate Ship Construction Engineering Study Programme and an Undergraduate Animal Husbandry Study Programme at the University of Jember in Jember Regency with Study Programme code 1510102. The opening of the Animal Husbandry Study Programme cannot be separated from efforts to develop local potential in Jember and its surroundings. The teaching and learning process of the Animal Husbandry Study Programme is carried out at the University of Jember Bondowoso Campus. This cannot be separated from the potential of Bondowoso Regency, which has been known as a centre for animal husbandry, especially cattle in East Java. The Bondowoso District Government has also committed to building an integrated livestock development facility not far from the UNEJ campus in Poncogati, Bondowoso.
The Centre is expected to provide tangible benefits for livestock development in Bondowoso, and the Horseshoe area (Pasuruan, Probolinggo, Lumajang, Jember, Situbondo, Bondowoso, and Banyuwangi) in general. In addition to synergising with the Bondowoso District Government in the field of animal husbandry, the University of Jember has established cooperation with Baluran National Park in the field of banteng conservation and research on crossbreeding bulls with cows to obtain superior cattle breeds.